Tabli chapter 2

You have been waiting for long, but it’s finally here and I have great news in store. Tabli (remember, that chalkboard placemat we were prototyping and testing and having fun with in the fall?) is doing great. We are still perfecting the technique of making it, we asked a manufacturer to help us cut the wood for the placemats and we were ready to sell for the Croydon High Street Fair on the 16th of February.

And sell we did! We devised a plan to attract buzz to our table by inviting anyone on the street to come and play with our product for a free chocolate. Oh, the kids loved it! So while they were drawing, we took the opportunity to explain the parents all about the chalkboard placemat which comes with chalkholders so the little ones don’t get their hands dirty while they are waiting for their dinner. And we successfully sold 11 tablis so 11 happy children are engaging with our product and we are happy to have made them happy. This is our stall at the fair.

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And the good news don’t stop here. On Wednesday, 20th of February, we attended the Bright Ideas Final Prize Giving. And much to our surprise, as there were many great ideas out there, 42 won with their Tabli a prize of £250! And to our even greater happiness, our friends from Blue Glimpse with Jabels, Easthetic with Pozzy and Angelika with her Every Child An Instrument also won prizes of £250 and £1000.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to see what Tabli will reveal in Chapter 3! Until then, feel free to order the award-winning product here for your kids, nieces and nephews. Or come and meet us at the next fair: Kingston University, Penrhyn Road, 28th February at 15:00.

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